By His grace

Dear Erick,

Good morning! As you can see from the time stamp on this post, the battle between Amy and jet lag still hasn't been won. Man, I thought I had it. I woke up many times between midnight and 3:30 a.m. I wonder if you woke up early today too. Since I'm up and I'm thinking about you, I thought I'd write you a letter. :)

I'm so thankful for what God has been doing since the beginning of time, what He was doing throughout fall, winter, and spring quarter, what He was doing on graduation day, how He orchestrated our Taiwan trip with its challenges and difficulties, and I'm so thankful for what He will do today and the days that He has ordained to follow. There is a peace that God was bringing up as I reflected on our trip yesterday and this peace is what continues to keep me this morning- it is the peace that our God longs to be given praise and glory and that He makes this known to those He loves and uses those who love Him to do this. This truth grounds me, guards me, and keeps me safe.  I am thankful for how He orchestrated this trip in the ways that He did and that the trip was not just an opportunity for the both of us to bask in the joy of our relationship, but to turn our eyes toward Him and continually ask Him for help in it. In this way He has turned our human eyes away from ourselves and each other to Him. I so am thankful for His desire to make Himself known through us. Again, a reminder of how much this is a privilege!

Erick, I'm so thankful for you. I'm so thankful for the ways God has created you to lead us, edify and challenge me, and the ways in which He has allowed us to experience so much together as He does this. I feel this way when I look back on our journey as a whole and I feel this when I look back on pockets of time as well, like what we experienced last night.  It is a privilege to experience so much with you and to be a part of witnessing His transforming work in you. I am also privileged and thankful that He has also allowed you to see His transforming work in me. I am learning that a God-centered relationship is one that involves being able to see, in a very intimate, personal, and deep way, a holy God work and grow and transform two wretched sinners more and more into His son.

I have loved learning more about you and learning more with you. Mm! I look forward to more of it. And? I am excited to learn how to be someone's lifetime friend. :) It has been remarkable walking on this journey with you, hand in hand.

Praise God for His awesome deeds!

With joy and by His grace,
Your girlfriend,

PS: Yes, this is the blog! :)